How do I join?
This group is not a drop-in group, so you can’t just turn up and join in. Instead, the starting point is to contact me to let me know of your interest in joining the group.
When you get in touch, you might have some immediate questions or concerns that you wish to raise by email or in a phone conversation. I’m happy to respond.
The next step, once you feel ready, is to book some individual sessions for us to meet and explore in more depth what you are hoping for and whether this group might be a good match for your needs at this time. If you wish to proceed, the focus of our sessions shifts to helping you to prepare for joining the group.
We start with at least two sessions, and may meet a few more times according to your individual needs. Each meeting lasts for 50 minutes.
What are the costs?
The fee for the initial individual assessment and preparation sessions is £45 per session.
For group members there is a fee of £125 per month, which includes all of the sessions in that month.
Getting in touch
If you would like to find out more or make an appointment, please get in touch here:
Joining FAQs
How long do people stay in the group?
On joining, new members are asked to stay in the group for at least one year. This allows time for them to settle in, to build trust with the established members, and for all members to get to know each other in depth. It can take some months to settle into this kind of group and discover the best way of making use of it. This early experience is part of the learning and self-discovery that the group offers.
There is no upper time limit for how long members can stay in the group. Typically, group members find that the experience becomes richer as they stay in the group over a longer period of time.
After the first year, members decide for themselves when they feel ready to leave the group. However, before leaving they are asked to give at least three months’ notice of their chosen ending date. This is to allow time for them and the other group members to prepare for their departure.
Can I join the group if I’m currently in individual counselling or therapy?
This group is provided as the exclusive source of therapeutic support for its members while they are in the group. If you are in individual therapy, you would need to bring this to a close before joining this group. If you have any questions about how this relates to your own situation, feel free to get in touch.
Some people join this group without any previous experience of therapy and others have already been in individual therapy or another group therapy. Those who have been in therapy before find that being in a group offers a different and complementary experience to individual therapy.